cheek surgery, bichectomy

Get Hollywood Cheeks with Bichectomy: The Latest Trend in Aesthetic Surgery

In recent years, facial contouring has become an increasingly popular trend in the world of aesthetic surgery. One of the latest trends is the bichectomy, also known as cheek reduction surgery, which aims to create a slimmer and more defined facial structure by removing excess fat from the cheeks. This procedure is gaining popularity among those who desire a more contoured look and has even been dubbed the “Hollywood Cheeks” look. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about bichectomy, including its benefits, risks, and what to expect during and after the surgery.

  • What is Bichectomy?
  • Why is Bichectomy Popular in Hollywood?
  • Who is a Good Candidate for Bichectomy?
  • How is Bichectomy Performed?
  • What is the Recovery Process Like?
  • How Much Does Bichectomy Cost?
  • Are There Any Risks or Side Effects Associated with Bichectomy?
  • Alternatives to Bichectomy
  • Finding the Right Surgeon for Bichectomy in Turkey
  • Bichectomy in Turkey – The Benefits
  • How to Get Bichectomy in Turkey: EverHeal Can Help
  • Cheek Aesthetics in Turkey – The Latest Trend
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Bichectomy?

Bichectomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing the buccal fat pad, a fat pad located in the cheeks. The aim of the surgery is to slim down the cheeks and create a more defined facial structure. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and the entire process usually takes around 30-60 minutes.

Why is Bichectomy Popular in Hollywood?

Hollywood is known for setting beauty trends that quickly spread across the world. The “Hollywood Cheeks” look, which is characterized by a more defined and contoured cheek area, has become increasingly popular in recent years. Celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Lawrence are rumored to have had bichectomy surgery to achieve this look, which has contributed to the procedure’s rise in popularity.

Who is a Good Candidate for Bichectomy?

A good candidate for bichectomy is someone who has excess fat in their cheeks, which can make their face appear rounder or wider than they would like. Individuals who are in good health and have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery are also good candidates for bichectomy. However, it is important to note that this procedure is not recommended for everyone, and a qualified surgeon will need to assess each patient’s unique situation before recommending bichectomy.

How is Bichectomy Performed?

Bichectomy is typically performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, and the entire process usually takes around 30-60 minutes. During the surgery, the surgeon will make a small incision inside the mouth, and then gently remove the buccal fat pad. The incision is then closed with dissolvable stitches, and the patient can typically go home shortly after the surgery is complete.

What is the Recovery Process Like?

After the surgery, patients may experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort for the first few days. It is important to follow the surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully to ensure proper healing. This may include taking medication to manage pain and swelling, avoiding certain foods, and keeping the mouth clean to prevent infection. Most patients can return to work or school within a week, but it may take several weeks for the swelling to fully subside.

How Much Does Bichectomy Cost?

The cost of bichectomy can vary depending on several factors, including the surgeon’s experience, the location of the clinic, and the extent of the surgery required. In Turkey, bichectomy typically costs between $1,000 to $3,000, which is much more affordable than in many other countries.

Are There Any Risks or Side Effects Associated with Bichectomy?

As with any surgery, there are some risks and side effects associated with bichectomy. These may include infection, bleeding, swelling, bruising, and damage to nearby nerves or tissues. However, these risks can be minimized by choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon, following post-operative instructions carefully, and taking proper care of the surgical site during the recovery period.

Alternatives to Bichectomy

For those who are not good candidates for bichectomy, or who prefer a less invasive option, there are several alternatives available. These may include non-surgical facial contouring treatments such as dermal fillers, facial exercises, or even makeup techniques that can create the illusion of a more contoured facial structure.

Finding the Right Surgeon for Bichectomy in Turkey

If you are considering bichectomy in Turkey, it is important to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon who has a track record of success with this procedure. Look for a surgeon who is certified by a reputable organization, has a good reputation in the field, and can provide before-and-after photos of their previous work. Contact us today to lear more about our surgeons.

Bichectomy in Turkey – The Benefits

Turkey has become a popular destination for medical tourism, including cosmetic surgery procedures like bichectomy. The country is known for its high-quality medical facilities, affordable prices, and experienced surgeons who are skilled in the latest techniques and technologies. By choosing to have bichectomy in Turkey, patients can enjoy a comfortable and safe experience, while achieving their desired aesthetic results.

Cheek Aesthetics in Turkey – The Latest Trend

Bichectomy is just one of many procedures that fall under the umbrella of cheek aesthetics. Other popular procedures include cheek implants, fat grafting, and dermal fillers, all of which can help to enhance and contour the cheeks. Turkey is home to many clinics and surgeons who specialize in these procedures, making it an ideal destination for anyone looking to achieve a more defined and sculpted facial structure.

How to Get Bichectomy in Turkey: EverHeal Can Help

If you are interested in getting bichectomy in Turkey, EverHeal can help make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible. Our team of experienced professionals can assist you with every step of the process, from scheduling consultations and making travel arrangements, to arranging for post-operative care and follow-up appointments.

At EverHeal, we understand that undergoing cosmetic surgery can be a daunting prospect, especially when traveling to a foreign country. That’s why we work hard to ensure that our clients feel safe, comfortable, and well-informed throughout the entire process.

If you are considering bichectomy in Turkey, we encourage you to contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve the look you desire. Our team is always available to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process from start to finish.

Don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back from achieving your aesthetic goals. Contact EverHeal today and take the first step towards a more confident, beautiful you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Is bichectomy painful? Bichectomy is a surgical procedure, so some degree of pain and discomfort can be expected during the recovery period. However, most patients report that the pain is manageable and can be alleviated with pain medication.

  2. Will I be able to eat normally after bichectomy? It is recommended that patients stick to a soft diet for the first few days following bichectomy, as chewing may be uncomfortable. However, most patients are able to resume a normal diet within a week or so.

  3. How long does it take to see the results of bichectomy? Most patients will start to see the results of bichectomy within a few weeks, once the initial swelling and bruising has subsided. However, it may take several months for the final results to become fully visible.

  4. Can bichectomy be combined with other procedures? Yes, bichectomy can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as rhinoplasty or facelift, to achieve a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

  5. Are there any long-term risks associated with bichectomy? There are no known long-term risks associated with bichectomy, as long as the procedure is performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon, and proper aftercare is followed. However, it is important to note that the results of bichectomy are not permanent, and may require touch-up procedures in the future.


Bichectomy is a safe and effective way to achieve a more contoured and defined facial structure, and is gaining popularity as the latest trend in aesthetic surgery. By choosing to have bichectomy in Turkey, patients can enjoy a comfortable and affordable experience, while achieving their desired aesthetic results. With proper care and guidance from a qualified surgeon, patients can enjoy a more confident and youthful appearance that lasts for years to come.

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